Editorial: Don't hold your breath for tribal water rights deal

"We suppose that if it takes a three-term U.S. senator in his final year in office to settle once and for all tribal claims to water rights in northern Arizona, we're all for it.

But with no disrepect to Jon Kyl, we're not holding our breath.

The main reason is that tribes as a group no longer speak with one voice, and even when they do, special interest groups can come in behind them with lawsuits and lobbying.

It's why Flagstaff is wise to have negotiated a specific agreement with the Navajo Nation for quantifiable pumping rights at Red Gap Ranch.

The most recent proposed settlement appears to be oriented as much toward what will pass a cost-conscious Congress as what reflects historic tribal claims."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Limited water pact between Flag, Rez better than nothing (The Arizona Daily Sun 2/22)

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