
HUD Blog: Final NAHASDA rule published in the Federal Register

"Today, HUD published updated regulations designed to provide greater access to affordable housing for Native Americans. In 1996, Congress passed the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) which simplified and reorganized the system HUD used to provide housing assistance to Native American communities. NAHASDA created a more efficient block grant program that reduced the regulatory burdens and afforded American Indian and Alaska Native tribes more flexibility to address their individual housing and community development needs.

Over the years, this legislation has been amended to improve HUD’s delivery of resources to Indian Country and to streamline the program for tribal communities. The final rule published today implements these improvements. The regulatory changes include new tools that allow recipients of HUD’s Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) to save on the costs of procurement; furthers tribal self-determination by allowing tribes to follow tribal law governing tribal preferences in employment and contracting; and expands the use of IHBG program income."

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HUD Updates Rules to Provide Native American Greater Access to Affordable Housing (HUD Blog 12/3)

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