Opinion | Politics

Mark Trahant: Nation remains divided as election approaches

"Four weeks to go and the national polls are quite clear: Romney is winning. Or, look again, and it could be that Obama is winning. The polls are all over the place, reflecting numbers that even stretch credibility.

This we do know. The only poll that counts is underway. People are voting across the country either in early polling locations or through absentee ballots.

We also know that American voters are decidedly divided. Those who started this election season deeply mistrusting Barack Obama remain so. And, it’s a similar story for those who see the past four years as an antidote to the Bush era, these are folks who fear Republican Mitt Romney will restore the policies of George W. Bush.

This election, more than most, is about the presidential candidates convincing their voters to turn out. To be motivated and to really vote."

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Mark Trahant: Elections 2012: Four Weeks to Go and a Nation Divided (Indian Country Today 10/9)

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