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Mitt Romney won't be getting rid of 'all of health care reform'

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he supports provisions in the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care reform law that was championed by his opponent, Democrat Barack Obama.

On the campaign trial, Romney has repeatedly vowed to repeal "Obamacare." But in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Romney said he would retain parts of the law if he is elected president.

“I’m not getting rid of all health-care reform,” Romney said. “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health-care reform that I’m going to put in place.”

As governor of Massachusetts, Romney pushed for mandatory health care coverage. However, he has criticized the same component in the health care reform law.

The law includes a permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. If it is repealed, Congress will have to pass another version of the IHCIA.

Get the Story:
Romney says he would keep some parts of Obama’s health-care law (The Washington Post 9/10)
Romney, Easing, Says Health Law Isn’t All Bad (The New York Times 9/10)
More Young Adults Have Insurance After Health Care Law, Study Says (The New York Times 9/10)

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