Kevin Abourezk: Whiteclay protesters removed in horse trailer
Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2012
"A protest in the Nebraska border town of Whiteclay ended Sunday after officers used a horse trailer to move five protesters to a nearby town.
Olowan Martinez, a Lakota woman and protest organizer, said Monday the five had locked arms and stretched themselves across Nebraska 87 on the north end of Whiteclay.
Sheridan County sheriff’s deputies, Oglala Sioux tribal officers and Nebraska State Patrol troopers in Whiteclay removed the group and put them in the horse trailer.
She said she had never seen law enforcement react that way in Whiteclay.
“It’s insane,” Martinez said. “There’s no seat belt (in a horse trailer). They broke their own laws.”"
Get the Story:
Kevin Abourezk: Activist criticizes use of horse trailer to remove Whiteclay protestors
(The Lincoln Journal Star 8/27)
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