
Jerry Isaac/Aaron Schutt: Alaska Natives contribute to economy

"There are more than 70 Alaska Native organizations, including Doyon, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Fairbanks Native Association and Interior Regional Housing Authority, based out of Interior Alaska’s vast landscape. The organizations include for-profit regional and village corporations, tribal governments, service providers and nonprofits. Recently a survey measuring the economic impact of our organizations was released, detailing the significant contributions made.

Collectively, the impact made by Interior-based Alaska Native organizations goes beyond the social and cultural fiber of our communities and significantly impacts our economies as well. Our Native organizations have impacts on jobs, payroll, spending, dividend distributions, construction, charitable giving, infrastructure and services and also include the taxes paid to our borough governments. The impacts are measurable and considerable here in Fairbanks, in the region, and across the state.

Our investments here in Fairbanks continue to grow and be very substantial. Our combined economic impact in the region is more than $300 million, and our organizations account for nearly one in 12 non-military jobs."

Get the Story:
Jerry Isaac and Aaron Schutt: Delivering a sizable economic impact: Alaska Native groups contribute greatly to the Interior's economy (The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 6/24)

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