Charlie Galbraith: Four Bands CDFI to join White House summit
Posted: Wednesday, May 9, 2012
"On May 10, 2012, Tanya Fiddler will join leaders from states, cities, organizations, businesses and other communities to highlight their work and focus on the financial empowerment of all Americans. Tanya serves as the Executive Director of the Four Bands Community Loan Fund, a Native American Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) located on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Native American CDFI’s have been established to overcome barriers to financial services that often exist in Indian Country through two specific strategies. First, through training and education tailored to tribal communities and second, through program funding and resources that increases the number of Native CDFI’s and improves their capacity.
The White House Summit on Financial Capability and Empowerment will help highlight the critical role that grassroots leaders in states, tribes, local governments and communities play in helping people improve their financial capability. Because local and community leaders have a unique understanding of the economic, financial and educational obstacles that negatively impact the people in their communities, they are in a strong position to drive local strategies and initiatives that can make a real difference. The President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability is leading a nationwide effort to promote local Councils to spearhead financial capability initiatives across the country. Many states, tribes and local governments are already leading the charge to promote financial capability in their jurisdictions."
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Charlie Galbraith:
Native American CDFI Representative to be Featured in the White House Summit on Financial Capability and Empowerment
(White House Blog 5/9)
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