
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes want funds at bank unfrozen

The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma say their bank illegally frozen $6.4 million in its funds.

The First Bank and Trust Co. placed an administrative freeze on the funds late last month. The bank was apparently concerned about a leadership dispute involving Gov. Janice Prairie Chief-Boswell Boswell and Lt. Gov Leslie Wandrie-Harjo, who each claim to be in charge of the tribe.

The tribe is now asking a federal judge to lift the freeze. Payroll and numerous programs are at risk, a spokesperson said.

“The freeze is impairing the tribes' ability to govern itself and provide basic services,” Lisa Liebl told The Oklahoman. “That's a violation of federal law.”

Get the Story:
Oklahoma's Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes claim $6.4 million was frozen illegally by bank (The Oklahoman 5/8)
Clinton, OK, bank freezes Cheyenne, Arapaho tribal accounts (The Oklahoman 4/28)

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