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NAIHC hopes State of the Union leads to more streamlining

Reducing red tape will benefit Indian housing, National American Indian Housing Council Chairwoman Cheryl A. Causley said in response to the 2012 State of the Union on Tuesday night.

President Barack Obama didn't mention tribes or Indian housing specifically during his address. But Causley said streamlining the federal bureaucracy will spur development in Indian Country.

"The Obama Administration has addressed many pressing issues facing Indian Country during the last three years. I commend the President's work with tribal governments and his commitment to remove barriers that hinder housing and community development in tribal communities," Causley said. "Although President Obama did not address tribal issues directly in his State of the Union address last night, the overarching theme of his statement regarding streamlining the regulatory process bodes well for the future of housing development in Indian Country."

Among other initiatives, NAIHC is supporting H.R. 205 the HEARTH Act, which cuts the Bureau of Indian Affairs out of the process for approving certain home site leases. The Obama administration supports the bill

"The Administration has demonstrated their commitment to self-determination, self-sufficiency, and the long-standing tradition of a government-to-government relationship among the federal government and tribes," Causley said. "That relationship includes a meaningful role for tribal governments at all stages of federal decision-making on Indian policy, including housing development."

"Housing programs under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act coincides with the strong message the President delivered about regulatory relief," Causley added. "NAHASDA's success is based on the ability of tribes to maximize their in developing programs that fit their unique, local needs with minimal involvement by the federal government."

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