Editorial: NCAA not kidding with 'Fighting Sioux' nickname (April 21, 2011)
"It might be that the myopic North Dakotans who insist on defending the discredited University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux logo are a lot like the stubborn mule that’s not paying attention. The old story goes that a whack between...
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Review: Couple's Indian art collection retains spirituality (April 21, 2011)
"Collectors and philanthropists Eugene and Clare Thaw are not cultural anthropologists, historians, or natural history museum benefactors. They are art collectors. Eugene Thaw was dealing art by the age of 23. He has had a love affair with the...
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Editorial: Indian journalists needed in nation's newsrooms (April 21, 2011)
"Today, about 40 Native American high school juniors and seniors from across the country are finishing a weeklong workshop in the Black Hills, one that exposes many of them to the world of journalism for the first time. The students'...
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Comanche man wraps up three-month Trail of Tears walk (April 21, 2011)
Ron Cooper, a member of the Comanche Nation, spent three months retracing the Trail of Tears, the forced walk made by ancestors of the Cherokee Nation. Cooper took the northern route of the trail, through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and...
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One person dead in house fire on Saskatchewan reserve (April 21, 2011)
One person is dead following a house fire on the Whitebear First Nation in Saskatchewan. Fire fighters responded and found the home completely engulfed. A body was found inside after the fire was put out. A fire last month on...
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Mohawks in Quebec will sit out election season yet again (April 21, 2011)
Tribes in the United Sates actively encourage their members to vote in state and federal elections but don't look for a similar effort among Mohawks in Quebec. Most members of the Kahnawake First Nation and the Kanesatake First Nation won't...
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Lummi Nation cites 'progress' for ferry dock negotiations (April 21, 2011)
"Substantial progress has been made" in negotiations for the Lummi Island ferry, Lummi Nation Chairman Cliff Cultee said. Whatcom County Council Chairman Sam Crawford also said progress has been made towards a deal. He said the county is willing to...
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Another candidate enters Mississippi Choctaw chief race (April 21, 2011)
A third candidate has filed for chief of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Phyliss Anderson wants to be the first woman to lead the tribe. She will face incumbent Beasley Denson and challenger Kevin Edwards in the June 14...
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Abramoff figure told to pay $17.7M restitution to law firm (April 21, 2011)
Michael Scanlon, one of the major figures in the Jack Abramoff scandal, must pay $17.7 million in restitution to the law firm that represented tribes, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. Scanlon pleaded guilty to defrauding his tribal clients. As...
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Connecticut GOP apologizes for 'too many chiefs' remark (April 21, 2011)
Republican lawmakers in Connecticut apologized for putting an insensitive comment in its budget plan. In calling for the elimination of more than 1,300 state managerial jobs, GOP lawmaker said some stage agencies suffer with "too many chiefs and not enough...
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Steven Newcomb: Don't downplay boarding school abuse (April 21, 2011)
"Some years ago, I came across the book Massacre: A Survey of Today’s American Indian published in 1931. Written by Robert Gessner, the book is an exposé. It provides what one Indian writer recently called “contextual and perspective research” of...
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Opinion: Fact and fiction in fight over sacred burial ground (April 21, 2011)
"There have been many recent news reports regarding the waterfront land at Glen Cove, which contains a natural, historic treasure of 15 unspoiled acres along the Carquinez shoreline. This land is owned by the City of Vallejo and managed by...
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No suspects into homicide of three-year-old Puyallup boy (April 21, 2011)
Authorities in Washington haven't identified any suspects in connection with the death of Zebidiah Izaya Ronald Pluff, who was a member of the member of the Puyallup Tribe. Pluff, 3, suffered some type of injury prior to his death...
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Ute Tribe in Utah plans more oil drilling on the reservation (April 21, 2011)
The Ute Tribe announces plans for more oil development on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah. The tribe's Ute Energy company entered into a development agreement with Newfield Production Company. The two will explore, develop and market oil and...
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Lee Sprague: Mercury pollution from coal a threat to tribe (April 21, 2011)
"I see the TES Filer coal-fired power plant in Manistee every day. My children and community live in its shadow and breathe its air pollution. Piles of coal are on the shoreline of Manistee Lake, which drains to Lake Michigan....
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Supreme Court hears Jicarilla case without Justice Kagan (April 21, 2011)
The U.S. Supreme Court heard US v. Jicarilla Apache Nation, a fiduciary trust case, on Wednesday. Justice Elena Kagan, the newest member of the court, did not participate. She served as Solicitor General at the Department of Justice when the...
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Cobell critic files objection to $3.4B trust fund settlement (April 21, 2011)
Kimberly Craven, a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate in South Dakota, has filed an objection to the $3.4 billion Indian trust fund settlement. Craven says the attorneys who handled the case for 14 years are seeking too much money....
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Native Sun News: Something rotten in oil field regulations (April 21, 2011)
The following story was written and reported by Talli Nauman. All content © Native Sun News. The stink of rotten eggs from gas and oil operations is due to a toxic chemical called hydrogen sulfide, but a tri-national report released...
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Editorial: Bill helps Quileute Tribe move to safer homeland (April 21, 2011)
"Sen. Maria Cantwell has brokered a sensible land swap that protects the Quileute Indian Tribe from potential tsunamis and floods. For decades, tribal headquarters, a school, senior center and several churches have sat on the coastal flood plain near sea...
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