"Racism is always a touchy subject these days. As organizations try to become more politically correct, some go to the extreme attempting clean up questionable language. In 2005, the NCAA decided that University of North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux nickname by imposing sanctions on the university, which falls under the NCAA mandate to punish schools that brand themselves with offensive names. The university has been fighting the sanctions but may finally lose the battle. This could be a huge blow to a university that has a storied hockey program that is rich with tradition.
Try to imagine the University of Kansas being forced to remove its Jayhawks nickname and logo (much to the delight to the people of Osceola, Missouri), a nickname that is deeply rooted in the history of the state of Kansas. Honestly, this will probably never happen, but if it did, you can go ahead and bet on some serious controversy and protesting on campus. Students who were raised Kansans, like myself, would not take it lightly.
However, there is a difference between “Jayhawks” and “Fighting Sioux.” While the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe has given the University of North Dakota permission to use the name and logo, the NCAA believes the word “fighting” implies hostility and can be taken in a racist context."
Get the Story:
Dylan Lysen: Schools shouldn't lose history because of mascots (The University Daily Kansan 10/31)
Also Today:
SIOUX NICKNAME: 'Major' announcement at Spirit Lake planned today
(The Grand Forks Herald 11/1)
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