Opinion: Neighbors aren't buying Chumash Tribe's story on land

"To be fair, I went to hear what the Chumash tribe wanted the public to hear about taking their 1,400 acres via the fee-to-trust process last Friday and afterward, I felt like my intelligence was insulted.

Tribal representatives said the land was culturally important to transfer it via fee to trust - thereby removing it from all local, state and county controls - and badly needed for housing.

Dear tribal members, if you need to buy houses, nothing is stopping you from doing this now. You do not need an act of Congress to grant you permission to buy or sell real estate. You are citizens of the same country I am, which grants us all the same rights. What are you waiting for? We have some amazing deals right here in our own back yard, and a lot of great local real estate professionals who can help you.

Last time I checked, each of you are receiving over $30,000 a month from your casino business, which, according to President Obama, makes you a part of the wealthy class. Congratulations on your success.

However, the real reason you want the 1,400 acres annexed into your reservation is to avoid taxes and to be held accountable to no one, including escaping legal consequences by using your sovereignty status."

Get the Story:
Teri Harmon: Tribe’s real plan for Camp 4 is obvious (The Solvang Valley News 9/22)

Another Opinion:
Jim Marino: Don’t let a fox guard the hen house (The Solvang Valley News 9/22)

Also Today:
Chumash Respond to Camp 4 Worries (The Santa Barbara Independent 9/21)
Chumash town hall lures crowd (The Santa Ynez Valley Journal 9/22)

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