Editorial: Compromise should put end to protests at sacred site

"Maybe they can now rest in peace.

In what developed into an emotional controversy literally spanning thousands of years, wisdom finally prevailed in the effort to link the needs of the 21st century to respect for those of centuries past.

We're referring to Thursday's ratification of a settlement between the city of Vallejo, the Greater Vallejo Recreation District and two California tribal councils over the Glen Cove shell mounds.

What began as a no-compromise, often bitter squabble between opposing viewpoints evolved into an agreement after a months-long protest that not only attracted much publicity, but also irritation from Glen Cove residents. In addition, the protest divided the sentiments of different native American individuals and groups, including park opponents and the two Patwin tribes that originally had accepted the proposed park at the center of the dispute.

Years and much expense had gone into planning for the park. GVRD officials insisted in good faith that the project not only would honor the shell mound site, but also would avoid harming it in any way. They had consulted tribal leaders and reached an accord years ago that would have led to construction in late April."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Glen Cove compromise brings its own reward (The Vallejo Times Herald 7/25)

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