Editorial: Democracy tested with Mississippi Choctaw election

"The Choctaw Tribal Council's decision last week to throw out certified election results is a test for their young democracy, open government and the rule of law on the Reservation.

While reluctant to speak for the Choctaw people out of respect for their self-governance, we will vehemently defend their right to free, open and honest elections that are the hallmark of democratic rule.

Elections anywhere in the world are only as good as the people running them, whether at Choctaw, in Neshoba County or in southern Sudan, one of the world's newest democracies.

Freedom, liberty and justice are being tested on the Reservation, but the Choctaw spirit will endure and conquer."

Get the Story:
EDITORIAL/Choctaw democracy will endure (The Neshoba Democrat 7/13)

Also Today:
New Tribal election set for Sept. 6 (The Neshoba Democrat 7/13)

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