WND: Abramoff claims ex-Sen. Dorgan took $75K in donations
Posted: Friday, November 11, 2011

"It was only last week that the Huffington Post began asking elected officials named in Jack Abramoff's new book as recipients of his clients' cash about the charges.
The denials came fast and furious.
Some, like Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., not only denied taking any money from Abramoff, they denied ever meeting with him, ever laying eyes on him and ever being in the same room with him. And they called Abramoff a liar for making the charges.
In "Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption From America's Most Notorious Lobbyist," Abramoff had this to say about Dorgan: "Byron Dorgan railed against the 'cesspool of greed' surrounding my practice. I guess it wasn't a cesspool when he had his hand out to take over $75,000 in campaign contributions from our team and clients.""
Get the Story:
Democratic senator caught fudging truth
(World Net Daily 11/10)
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