
IACHR takes up violence against indigenous women in US

Opening Remarks: Jana Walker / Indian Law Resource Center
Dorma Sahneyah / Indigenous Women's Resource Center, Hopi Tewa Women's Coalition To End Abuse
Lisa Brunner / Sacred Spirits First Nations Coalition
Terri Henry / National Congress of American Indians Task Force on Violence Against Women, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Opening Remarks: United States
Virginia Davis / Department of Justice
Jodi Gillette / Department of the Interior
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The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is holding a hearing this morning on violence against indigenous women in the United States.

Department of Justice reports show that American Indian and Alaska Native women are the victims of violent crime at rates far higher than other racial or ethnic groups. One in three Native women will be raped in their lifetime, according to one report.

The hearing takes place at 10:15am. Participants include the Indian Law Resource Center and the United States, according to the calendar.

A webcast of the hearing can be viewed at

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