Editorial: Michael Thomas a poor choice for Mashantucket Tribe
Posted: Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Ordinarily this newspaper applauds the civic-mindedness of those running for office - even when we disagree with their political views and wind up endorsing an opponent.
We take a less-charitable view, though, regarding Michael Thomas, who was thrown out for good reason as chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council two years ago and now, ill-advisedly, is seeking to get back on the seven-member panel. Tribal members would be well-advised to shun him when polling takes place during their annual meeting Nov. 6.
In 2009 the council, struggling under a mountain of $2.3 billion in debt, acted properly in ousting Mr. Thomas after he insolently promised the rank and file they would continue to receive annual incentives, amounting in some cases to six figures, before creditors got paid."
Get the Story:
Editorial: Poor choice for Mashantucket
(The New London Day 10/6)
Also Today:
Ex-chairman's run may complicate tribal debt talks
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