Opinion: Pebble Mine supporter insults Alaska Native leaders
Posted: Friday, September 9, 2011
"Where to start with Paul Jenkins' Sunday screed against those who oppose Pebble Mine? Somewhere in the hallowed halls of the Fourth Estate, Mr. Jenkins lost his way.
In his opening paragraph, Jenkins calls respected leaders of Bristol Bay's Native communities "stooges" and people of a region of Alaska with a history that goes back 10,000 years, "dupes."
In the second paragraph, Jenkins shows himself to be the one duped by Pebble propaganda when he states that "for the record" no concept of what Pebble mine might look like even exists.
In July of 2006, Pebble developers gave very detailed schematics for a giant open pit mine and five of the largest dams on earth to hold millions of tons of toxic mining waste. In presentations around the world since, mine developers have continually expanded upon these plans with scenarios showing how big their open pit would be under various mine lifespans. Most recently, as they prepared to sell their 50 percent stake in Pebble to take the cash and run, Northern Dynasty announced that Pebble mine would be able to pay for development costs in just six years -- making it a cash cow for investors."
Get the Story:
Art Hackney:
Column on Pebble rife with inaccuracies
(The Anchorage Daily News 9/7)
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