
Witness List: House hearing on Northern Cheyenne, Tigua bills

The House Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs holds a hearing this morning on two bills.

H.R.1158, the Montana Mineral Conveyance Act, transfers 147 million tons of coal to the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana. The tribe would also receive 40 percent of royalties from future development on another 145 million tons of coal.

H.R.1560 allows the Tigua Tribe of Texas to determine its own blood quantum standard. When the tribe was restored to federal recognition in 1987, Congress defined the tribe's membership.

The hearing takes place at 11am in Room 1334 of the Longworth House Office Building. The witness list follows:
Panel I
The Honorable Denny Rehberg, Montana

The Honorable Silvestre Reyes, Texas

Panel II
Jodi Gillette
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior
Accompanied By: Mitchell Leverett
Division Chief, Bureau of Management, Solid Minerals Division

Panel III
The Honorable Joe Fox, Jr.
Vice President, Northern Cheyenne Tribe

The Honorable Carlos Hisa
Lieutenant Governor, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Accompanied By: Christopher Gomez
Tribal Councilman

Charles H. Kerr
President & CEO, Great Northern Properties

Get the Story:
Congress considers Northern Cheyenne coal swap (AP 6/22)

Committee Notice:
Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Legislative Hearing on H.R. 1158 and H.R. 1560 (June 22, 2011)

Related Stories:
Subcommittee sets hearing on Northern Cheyenne, Tigua bills (6/16)

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