
Dozens arrested after drug raid on Kanesatake First Nation

Authorities in Canada arrested 38 people and are looking for 17 more as part of a major drug investigation that included a raid at some homes on the Kanesatake First Nation in Quebec.

A reported 500 law enforcement personnel took part in what is being dubbed Operation "Connectivité." Authorities say the reserve was used as a staging location for the transport of marijuana, cocaine and other drugs into the United States.

"We have disrupted its capacity to use aboriginal territories for its activities," Insp. Lino Maurizio of the Aboriginal Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit said at a press conference, CBC News reported. "We can catch them, no matter where they are."

News reports mainly focused on the raids at Kanesatake. However, of the 13 search warrants that were executed yesterday, only four were carried out on the reserve.

Overall, authorities targeted 50 sites throughout Quebec, including off-reserve areas near Montreal. The Akwesasne First Nation was a target.

Get the Story:
Drug raids target Que. Mohawk communities (CBC 6/14)
Police swoop down on Kanesatake and Oka (The Montreal Gazette 6/15)
Police hit Mohawk reserve with marijuana raid (The National Post 6/15)

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