ASU News: Heard Museum preserving Native art and culture
Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"The Metro Light Rail has become a part of Valley culture, and one stop takes passengers to a place where centuries of Southwest culture are preserved.
The Central Avenue and Encanto Boulevard station is located near the Heard Museum, where Native American heritage has been preserved for more than 80 years.
The Heard Museum is a nonprofit, private organization that was founded in in 1929. Its celebration of Native American heritage continues to attract tourists from around the world.
The light rail has provided Valley visitors a convenient way to step into Native American traditions.
“The light rail has made it easier for tourists to find a way to the Heard,” said Kate Crowley, marketing and communications manager for the museum. “They can come straight from the airport.”
The museum hosts several events and festivals throughout the year, and park-and-ride is a popular option for residents and students, she said."
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Heard Museum preserves Native American heritage
(The State Press 4/11)
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