PINE RIDGE, SOUTH DAKOTA — For the second time since submitting his application, Mason Big Crow was selected for the position of Oglala Sioux Tribe treasurer. Controversy arose on Feb. 14 after Big Crow was selected the first time when it was discovered that he was not currently an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Francis Pumpkinseed, OST election commission chairman, informed council at that time that he had sent a letter notifying Big Crow of his disqualification as a candidate due to his enrollment status. A motion was passed after that meeting so council could decide how to proceed with office of treasurer and former treasurer Dean Patton remained in as acting. The other candidates for the offices of secretary, fifth member and sergeant at arms were selected and sworn in at that time. At the meeting on Monday there was much discussion on how to proceed and there was even talk about having to re-advertise the position of treasurer thereby delaying the process for another two weeks. However Eagle Nest Council Representative Ruth Brown reprimanded the council and said they needed to stop playing games. “We are wasting time. We already selected a treasurer and it was over. Whether we like it or not,” she said. She made a motion to abide by the OST Constitution and By-Laws which passed and the selection process for the treasurer began. Big Crow told the council during his interview on Monday that he never received the letter sent by the election commission. He admitted that when he submitted his application that he was not enrolled but was in the process of relinquishing his enrollment from the Arapaho Tribe of Oklahoma and that his reenrollment with the Oglala was pending. When asked to produce his CRU number Big Crow sent around his tribal ID as verification. Eight candidates were interviewed for the position of treasurer including Mason Big Crow, Gerald “Jump” Big Crow, Pamela Giago, David Pourier, Lloyd Goings, Kim Clausen, Fred Brown and Crystal Eagle Elk. As each candidate was interviewed they were asked the how they would deal with what the Oglala call the “Black Hole” the general fund where most of the tribal assets are deposited. After all was said and done Mason Big Crow was again selected as treasurer beating out the second highest vote getter Pamela Giago, 10 to 8. The tribe’s newest treasurer said he is happy that the council voted him in and that he would be working with them very closely. When asked if he was ready to face the challenge of helping his tribe which has been racked by fiscal woes including being on “at risk” status for many of their 638 contract programs straighten up their finances, his reply was positive. “It’s nothing that we haven’t been already been doing for the past two years. I have been working closely with the acting treasurer Dean Patton and we actually sat down with tribal council and with their approval have been doing what they’ve requested us to do,” he said. “It is going to be a tough road but we will get it done.” (Ernestine Chasing Hawk can be reached at
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