Column: Documentary features Catawba potter Margaret Robbins
Posted: Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"There are billions of people in the world. Only a few thousand of those people are members of the Catawba Indian tribe. Of those, just a couple of handfuls are Catawba potters.
Of those handful, maybe the most recognized master potter still alive is the one and only Margaret Robbins, who lives in the last house on the last road on the Catawba reservation in a house that has cats and engine blocks outside the front porch.
Her handmade pots, using only clay dug from the Catawba River that runs within earshot of her ancestral and present home, and crafted by hand without a wheel as the Catawba have done since before there was a place called America or South Carolina, are in museums and
She still makes the pots at her kitchen counter.
Thursday night on South Carolina ETV, a documentary about six people in this state of 4 million-plus souls who forge real things from their brains and hands, called "Uncommon Folk," will air. Robbins is one of the six."
Get the Story:
Andrew Dys:
Catawba potter in documentary on "Uncommon" artists
(The Rock Hill Herald 3/9)
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