Assistant Secretary Larry Echo Hawk, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, named Elizabeth “Saagulik” Hensley as a policy adviser in Washington, D.C. Hensley, an attorney, will advise Echo Hawk on Alaska Native issues. It's believed to be the first position of its kind at the BIA's central office. “They’re in dire need of someone to advocate for them,” Hensley said at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention on Friday, The Fairbanks Daily News Miner reported. Echo Hawk told AFN that he wants to make sure Alaska Natives aren't left behind when it comes to policy decisions at the BIA. Get the Story:
Echo Hawk promises more effort for Alaska Natives (The Dutch Harbor Fisherman 10/23)
Elizabeth Hensley named Indian Affairs adviser (The Fairbanks Daily News Miner 10/23) An Opinion:
Editorial: Valuable hire: Alaska rightfully gets adviser in Indian affairs (The Fairbanks Daily News Miner 10/25) Related Stories:
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Editorial: Alaska Native village survival a worthy topic at AFN (10/12)
Alaska Federation of Natives prepares for annual convention (10/11)