Letter: Crow Tribe needs a constitution to stop corruption
"The Crow Tribe is considering a new constitution. That is commendable.

The current system is seriously flawed, and the Crow people suffer from one administration to the next. A newly elected chairman invites members of his clans to come and share the tribal bounty. They use tribal funds to buy new cars and new homes and lands, and the rest of the tribe suffers.

So that chairman is voted out, and the next one comes in and sets his clan at the table, and the rest of the tribe suffers.

Chairmen consider any proposals relating to the tribe’s resources only by how they may individually benefit.

The tribe’s judicial system serves its master until another master comes in and replaces the judges.

A new constitution is needed, a constitution that will preserve tribal resources for the good of all people and not just those in corrupt administrations."

Get the Story:
John Bull Shows: Tribe needs constitution that ends corruption (The Billings Gazette 5/2)

9th Circuit Decision:
Harris v. Parisian (March 30, 2009)

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