Border town commission supports pact that cites past racism
The Community Relations Commission in Farmington, New Mexico, voted 5-0 on an agreement with the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission.

The agreement outlines ways the city and the Navajo Nation will address discrimination. It includes language that acknowledges prior incidents of "racism" against Native Americans in the border town.

"We must never forget the tragedies inflicted against the Navajo people and other indigenous peoples," the agreement approved states. The city and the tribe "intend to move forward in a positive manner by acknowledging that racism and other destructive actions were inflicted upon the Navajo and other indigenous peoples and other minorities and continue in America to this day. Those actions and ideas must be eliminated now and forever at every level of government and eventually in the hearts and minds of all peoples."

The commission was established after a series of race-related incidents in Farmington. The new agreement came after a Navajo Nation man was branded with a swastika in in May.

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City commission OKs discrimination pact (The Farmington Daily Times 8/10)

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