Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is in Massachusetts today to discuss the controversial Cape Wind energy project. This morning, Salazar met with the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to greet the sunrise at Nantucket Sound. The tribe is worried that 440-foot-tall wind turbines will block its view of the sun. Salazar is also meeting with the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe, whose reservation is on the island of Martha's Vineyard. Both tribes oppose the Cape Wind project. Salazar will also meet with the Cape Wind developers and tour the wind farm site. Get the Story:
Tribe: Our concerns heard on wind farm (The Cape Cod Times 2/2)
The Green Blog: US Interior Secretary meets with Mashpee Wampanoag (The Boston Globe 2/2)
Interior Secretary meets with Mass. tribes (The Boston Globe 2/2) Related Stories:
Wampanoag tribes gain support in sacred site dispute (1/26)
Massachusetts tribes discuss concerns about wind farm (01/14)
Salazar to meet tribes and wind farm developers in DC (1/13)
Editorial: Approve wind farm over sacred site concerns (1/11)
Salazar to meet with tribes over wind energy project (1/8)
Editorial: Resolve tribal objections over wind project (1/7)
Salazar sets deadline on wind project and sacred site (1/6)
Opinion: Respect tribal concerns over wind energy bid (12/01)
Wampanoag tribes challenge wind energy project (11/13)
Editorial: Wampanoags blow smoke on wind plan (11/10)
Letter backs Massachusetts tribes on sacred site (11/6)
Interior promises action on wind turbine project (11/3)
Editorial: Reject tribal claim on wind turbine site (11/2)
Massachusetts tribes fight wind farm project (10/5)
Obama declined Aquinnah Wampanoag meeting (08/31)
Letter: Tribal opposition to wind energy project (07/16)
Massachusetts tribes oppose wind turbine site (7/15)
NYT Blog: Salazar on Indian Country rights-of-way (03/25)