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For Cape Cod Wind Farm, New Hurdle Is Spiritual
(The New York Times 1/5)
Wind farm faces new roadblock (The Cape Cod Times 1/5)
More than Cape Wind affected by historic label (The Boston Globe 1/6)
Park Service’s ruling not Sound, says gov (The Boston Herald 1/6)
Opinion: Respect tribal concerns over wind energy bid (12/01)
Wampanoag tribes challenge wind energy project (11/13)
Editorial: Wampanoags blow smoke on wind plan (11/10)
Letter backs Massachusetts tribes on sacred site (11/6)
Interior promises action on wind turbine project (11/3)
Editorial: Reject tribal claim on wind turbine site (11/2)
Massachusetts tribes fight wind farm project (10/5)
Obama declined Aquinnah Wampanoag meeting (08/31)
Letter: Tribal opposition to wind energy project (07/16)
Massachusetts tribes oppose wind turbine site (7/15)
NYT Blog: Salazar on Indian Country rights-of-way (03/25)