Jury deliberates fate of Abramoff associate
A jury began deliberations in the case of Kevin Ring, an associate of jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Ring is accused of conspiracy, honest services wire fraud and giving illegal gratuities. Prosecutors said he showered Congressional aides and Bush administration officials with meals, drinks, tickets and gifts in order to influence them into taking actions to benefit his clients.

Most of the people charged in connection with the scandal pleaded guilty. Ring is only the second person to choose to go to trial -- the other one was convicted after a retrial.

Get the Story:
Ring Trial Heads To Jury Deliberations (The National Journal 10/6)
Abramoff-related criminal trial in hands of jury (AP 10/6)
Attorney questions motives of former Istook top aide John Albaugh (The Oklahoman 10/6)
Ring Attorney: Prosecution Did Not Do Its Job (The National Journal 10/5)
Prosecution: E-mails Show Ring's Criminal Intent (The National Journal 10/5)
Abramoff Associate's Trial Coming to a Close (The Blog of Legal Times 10/5)
Ex-Abramoff Associate’s Case Goes to Jury (Main Justice 10/5)

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