Drug raids result in 13 arrests on Mohawk reserve
Law enforcement authorities conducted more than a dozen early-morning raids on the Kanesatake Mohawk Nation in Quebec.

Authorities said 13 people were arrested in connection with marijuana trafficking on the reserve. "Project CERRO," as the investigation is known was prompted by local complaints about drug activity.

"Those who disguise themselves... as protectors of ancestral rights to conduct illegal activities are shown and will be shown for who they truly are," said Gordon McGregor of the Aboriginal Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, CBC News reported. "Those who participate or perpetuate their greed by destroying the lives of our youth will be prosecuted."

Get the Story:
13 arrested in Kanesatake drug raids (CBC 5/19)
300 officers conduct massive drug raids at Kanesatake (CTV 5/19)
Police target organized crime on Mohawk reserve near Montreal (CP 5/19)