Law enforcement an issue on Pine Ridge Reservation
The Bureau of Indian Affairs says it might take over law enforcement on the Pine Ridge Reservation if conditions don't improve.

The BIA sent 25 temporary officers to the reservation after half of the police force for the Oglala Sioux Tribe walked off the job. "The situation is serious at Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge has an unacceptable level of crime in their community, so the situation we're currently in is really unfortunate," Pat Ragsdale, the head of law enforcement services at the BIA, told the Associated Press.

The officers left after an August 12 confrontation with tribal council members. No charges are being filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office in connection with the incident.

Police officers in Rapid City have been assisting the tribe.

Get the Story:
BIA head says Pine Ridge crime unacceptable (AP 8/28)
No federal charges in Pine Ridge police crisis (The Rapid City Journal 8/28)
Oglala tribal leaders thank RC cops for support (The Rapid City Weekly News 8/28)

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BIA sends 25 temporary officers to Pine Ridge (8/15)
Half of Oglala Sioux Tribe police force resigned (8/14)
Oglala Sioux police officers walk off the job (8/13)
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