"A Dartmouth-educated member of the
Crow Tribe has been hired to lead Sen.
Barack Obama's Native American outreach efforts in Montana.
Samuel Kohn, who spoke up two years ago when a student newspaper at his college published a racially insensitive cartoon, will serve as state Native American coordinator for the campaign, said Keith Harper, a Native policy adviser for Obama.
"I've been waiting for a long time for a presidential candidate who listens to Native Americans, because our issues and concerns are rarely heard," Kohn said in a press release Friday. "Senator Obama is committed to giving Native Americans a voice so we can finally make real progress on issues that impact our tribes, and I'm proud to be a part of this grassroots movement for change."
The creation of the Montana position is further proof of how Obama is getting Natives involved, Harper said.
"One of the things that's been different about this campaign is how early Sen. Obama has reached out to Native Americans," he said.
Kohn joins other Native members of the Obama campaign, including Harper, who is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and Wizipan Garriott, a Rosebud Sioux tribal member, who also has served as a Native policy adviser."
Get the Story:
Kevin Abourezk: Crow Tribal Member to Lead Obama Outreach
(RezNet News 4/21)
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