
Attorney hails ruling in Blackfeet housing case

Members of the Blackfeet Nation of Montana are moving forward with a class action housing lawsuit against the tribe.

The families say the tribe built 153 shoddy homes. They blame a slew of health problems on toxic mold.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the tribe waived its sovereign immunity through a housing ordinance. Attorney Jeff Simkovic said the decision could help members of other tribes pursue grievances.

The court did not hold the Department of Housing and Urban Development responsible even though federal funds were used to build the homes. One judge disagreed and said the government has a trust responsibility to maintain adequate homes.

Get the Story:
Tribe's housing suit proceeds (The Billings Gazette 3/28)
Sovereign immunity concerns loom after housing decision (Indian Country Today 3/28)

9th Circuit Decision:
Marceau v. Blackfeet Housing Authority (March 19, 2008)

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