Indian Country roads in 'Third World' condition

Opening Statements

Opening Statements

• Panel 2 - Testimony | Q&A

Written Testimony | Webcast
Roads in Indian Country are in Third World condition, the chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee said at a hearing on Thursday.

Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota) said most roads on reservations are unpaved and unsafe. Jerry Gidner, a Bureau of Indian Affairs official in charge of transportation issues, agreed.

But when asked they the BIA hasn't asked for more money to address the problem, Gidner said the agency has put a higher priority on law enforcement and other areas. The BIA spends less than $500 in maintenance per mile each year, far less than the $4,000 to $5,000 per mile spent by states.

Get the Story:
Senate panel hears tribal road woes (The Billings Gazette 7/13)

OVERSIGHT HEARING on transportation issues in Indian Country (July 12, 2007)

Relevant Links:
Senate Indian Affairs Committee -

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