Husband not guilty for murder of Native woman

The common-law husband of a Native woman who was killed after police failed to respond to her 911 was found not guilty of her murder.

Brenda Moreside, 44, was killed in her home in Alberta. Stanley Willier, 50, her common-law husband confessed to police that he had been in a fight with Moreside and had used a knife.

But the confession was thrown out by the judge, who said police didn't ensure Willier knew of his rights. That led to the not guilty finding on second-degree murder.

Moreside had called 911 on February 13, 2005, but police failed to dispatch a car. Her body was found 12 days later, after classmates at a predominantly Native college that Moreside attended, raised questions about her absence.

Get the Story:
Boyfriend not guilty in Alberta case that sparked 911 inquiry (CBC 12/8)
Family of murder victim say system failed them (CTV 12/9)
Mounties slammed (The Edmonton Sun 12/9)
Not guilty verdict in northern murder (The Calgary Sun 12/9)
Man who confessed to slaying walks free (The Edmonton Journal 12/9)

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