Chiropractors play Santa on Fort Peck Reservation

Two chiropractors brought 6,000 gifts for students on the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana.

Ed Plentz and Kevin Pallis of The New Renaissance delivered the items to students in four communities. "This is a surprise. It's such a cool present," fifth-grader Larry Hamilton Jr. told The Great Falls Tribune.

The organization asked its chiropractors to collect the presents. Plentz and Pallis expected between 2,500 and 3,000 but were amazed to see the larger donation.

In addition to the gifts, New Renaissance selected Brandi Charette, 24, to attend chiropractic school.

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Chiropractors play Santa for Fort Peck with 6,000 Christmas gifts (The Great Falls Tribune 12/8)

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Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes -
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