Column: Russell Means mad about Republican Party

"Some South Dakotans are going to the polls Tuesday just plain mad.

Mad at their party. Mad at the war in Iraq. Mad about loss of freedoms.

The mood of discontent is prominent among registered voters I surveyed in the past few days.

What they want is a world less threatened by war. A Congress that learns about efficiency. A state Legislature that starts paying attention to the people. And politicians who try to unite rather than divide.

And there is the spending by Congress. Something has to be done, says Russell Means.

Means, a 67-year-old Native American activist from Porcupine, doesn�t mince words as he lays blame on the Republican Party that he has embraced in the past.

�I still sense a Republican mood by voters, though. I do not believe South Dakota as a whole is fed up with the Bush administration, but I can�t understand why. As a registered Republican, I feel that deficit spending is anti-Republican. It certainly isn�t fiscally responsible,� Means says."

Get the Story:
David Kranz: Mood of the Voters (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 11/6)

Relevant Links:
Russell Means - http://www.russellmeans.com

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