Two more arrests in Fort Apache rape probe

Two more men have been arrested as more facts surface about a series of rapes on the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona.

Jesse Dupris, 26, and Jeremy Reed, 23, were arrested Friday. Both worked as security officers for the White Mountain Apache Tribe and patrolled the same area where the rapes occurred.

The timeline for the first rape has since been pushed back to November 2005. The Bureau of Indian Affairs previously said the first once took place in March.

More victims have come forward as well. There are now 15 victims, ranging in age from 11 to 19 years old, with one reported to be 20 years old.

Dupris is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota. Reed is a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Dupris is charged in connection with seven assaults while Reed is charged in connection with one.

The BIA previously arrested White Mountain Apache member Jimi Aday, 29, in connection with the rapes. He is charged with two sexual assaults.

Get the Story:
2 more men held in tribal assaults (The Arizona Republic 10/21)
2 tribal security officers jailed in series of rapes on reservation (AP 10/22)

Relevant Links:
White Mountain Apache Tribe -

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