Editorial: Interior has a lot to explaining to do

"The U.S. Interior Department has much to worry about, and perhaps much to answer for, on key questions about how it's doing its job.

Two weeks ago, Interior's Inspector General, Earl Devaney, told a congressional committee, "Simply stated, short of a crime, anything goes at the highest levels of the Department of the Interior."

Devaney was particularly concerned about handling of oil and gas leasing, going back to the Clinton administration in the 1990s, and by the activities of former deputy secretary J. Steven Griles, who was suspected of favoring former lobbying clients.

Flawed Gulf of Mexico oil and gas leases signed during the late 1990s may have lost the government more than $1 billion in royalties. And lawsuits pending in Oklahoma City claim the department's Minerals Management Service has failed to collect full payment of other royalties. "

Get the Story:
Editorial: Interior on the hot seat (The Denver Post 9/26)

Relevant Documents::
Devaney Testimony | Hearing Information

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