Rep. Wu statement on H.R.4893

Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 4893 because of my opposition to a proposed Indian gambling casino in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area in Oregon.

We should not be considering a bill of this importance on the suspension calendar with only 40 minutes of debate, no opportunity to amend. This is completely inappropriate.

Regardless of whether you are an opponent or proponent of off-reservation gaming, Members should have an opportunity to bring their concerns to the floor and offer amendments. There are many reasons to oppose this bill, and I have the largest one of them of all: This, an 80-mile long, 4,000-foot-deep gorge. It is our Yosemite. It is our Grand Canyon. It is a national treasure, and it is completely inappropriate to put a gambling casino smack-dab in the middle of this national treasure.

Vote ``no'' on this suspension bill so we can protect the Columbia River Gorge and we can bring a real bill to the floor and have Members debate their concerns and amend this bill appropriately.