Yurok Tribe to help manage national monument

The Yurok Tribe of California signed an agreement with the Bureau of Land Management to help manage portions of the California Coastal National Monument.

The tribe will have greater input into decisions that affect the monument. Some important Yurok sites, including rocks, islands and caves, are located within the monument.

"These islands, rocks and pinnacles are precious paths of our cultural and spiritual landscape," Yurok Chair Howard McConnell said in a statement.

Get the Story:
Rocks of antiquity (The Eureka Times-Standard 7/14)
Yuroks, land agency sign agreement (The Eureka Reporter 7/14)

Relevant Links:
Yurok Tribe - http://www.yuroktribe.org
Trinidad Rancheria - http://www.trinidad-rancheria.org
California Coastal National Monument - http://www.blm.gov/ca/pa/coastal_monument

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