House Resources Committee hearing on tribal corp

The House Resources Committee is holding a hearing on Wednesday, March 29, on H.R.3350, the Tribal Development Corporation Feasibility Study Act.

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-California), the chairman of the committee, introduced the bill on July 19, 2005. It would amend the Native American Business Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000 to establish the Tribal Development Corporation Feasibility Study Group.

Under the bill, the group will study the possibility of creating a national tribal development corporation that would help tribes, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians with non-gaming economic development projects. A similar idea was proposed by retired Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado).

The hearing takes place at 1pm in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building. A witness list has not been made public yet.

For more information, visit the committee's website at http://resourcescommittee.house.gov.

Relevant Links:
Rep. Richard Pombo - http://www.house.gov/pombo
House Resources Committee - http://resourcescommittee.house.gov