Abramoff Scandal
Pombo says Abramoff 'never lobbied me on anything'

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-California), the chairman of the House Resources Committee, isn't worried about being linked to the Jack Abramoff scandal.

As head of the committee with jurisdiction over Indian and Insular affairs -- Abramoff's key areas -- Pombo was a key target of Abramoff's largess. But Pombo says he wasn't affected by campaign contributions sent his way.

"I met the guy a few times. He never lobbied me on anything. Never set foot in my office," Pombo tells The Los Angeles Times.

Pombo has taken in more than $500,000 from tribes, including $20,000 from the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, a former client of Abramoff's firm. Tribal leaders have credited the lobbying effort to Pombos's push to make the Bureau of Indian Affairs issue a ruling on their long-delayed federal recognition petition.

Get the Story:
Foe of Endangered Species Act on Defensive Over Abramoff (The Los Angeles Times 2/14)

Relevant Links:
Rep. Richard Pombo - http://www.house.gov/pombo
House Resources Committee - http://resourcescommittee.house.gov

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