Shakopee Tribe's trust land stirs controversy

The Bureau of Indian Affairs could make a decision on the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community's land-into-trust application within two months, regional director Terry Virden says.

Virden, the former director of the BIA in Washington, D.C., doesn't know which way the decision will go. But the last time the tribe sough trust status for the land, the application was rejected due to the tribe's wealthy status.

Chairman Stanley Crooks say that's unfair. He says the tribe should have the right to determine what to do with the 760 acres in Scott County. "When you are sovereign, you determine what's best for you," he told The Minneapolis Star Tribune. He rejects a suggestion by Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) that the tribe agree to have only some of the land placed in trust.

The tribe plans to use the land for residential development and for cultural purposes. But opponents, including county commissioners, want a say in what happens to the land. They also fear the loss of $2.9 million a year in tax revenues.

Get the Story:
Tribal land issue heating up in Scott County (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/11)
A growing community (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/11)
Tribal and local government relations: A chronology (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/11)

Relevant Links:
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community -
Off the Couch, opposition website -

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