DOI meeting on energy rights-of-way on tribal lands

The Interior Department and the Energy Department have scheduled a meeting next month to take comments on issues regarding energy rights-of-way on tribal land.

Section 1813 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires the two departments to conduct a study on rights-of-way and submit a report to Congress by August 7, 2006. As part of the process, a two-day meeting will be held March 7-8 in Denver, Colorado.

According to a notice published in the Federal Register today, the study will focus on four subjects:
  1. An analysis of historical rates of compensation;
  2. Recommendations for appropriate standards to determine fair and appropriate compensation;
  3. An assessment of tribal self-determination and sovereignty interests implicated by applications for energy rights-of-way on tribal land; and
  4. An analysis of relevant national energy transportation policies.

At the meetings, several working groups will be created to study the subjects. Tribes are invited to make proposals.

Get the Notice:
Public Scoping Meeting on Congressionally Mandated Study of Energy Rights-of-Way on Tribal Lands (Federal Register 2/13)

Get the Bill:
Energy Policy Act of 2005 (H.R.6)

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