Lawsuit filed to stop Alaska Native dental aides

The American Dental Association asked a federal judge to shut down a program operated by the e Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium that allows dental aides to perform dental services in rural villages.

The ADA has been fighting the use of dental aides in Alaska. The organization says the program subjects Alaska Natives to substandard care.

Alaska Native leaders defend the use of rural health aides. Citing high rates of tooth decay and other problems, they say Alaska Natives wouldn't receive any care whatsoever.

The program is included in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments but the Senate Indian Affairs Committee has agreed to limit it to Alaska.

Get the Story:
Groups sue to stop rural dental aides (The Anchorage Daily News 2/1)

Health Care Bill:
Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2005 (S.1057)

Relevant Links:
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium -
American Dental Association -

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