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Isleta Pueblo settlement ready for Bush signature

A bill to provide $40 million to Isleta Pueblo for the federal government's mismanagement of tribal lands is headed to President Bush for his signature.

The Pueblo of Isleta Settlement and Natural Resources Restoration Act of 2006 was approved by unanimous consent in the Senate on Monday evening. It passed the House in September.

The bill a $32.8 million Natural Resources Restoration Fund, to be taken from the U.S. judgment fund. Another $7.2 million will be provided, subject to the appropriations process.

The tribe will use the money to restore land that was mismanaged by the Interior Department, to acquire new land and to pay costs associated with the lawsuit.

The bill was sponsored by Sens. Pete Domenici (R) and Jeff Bingaman (D), and Reps. Steve Pearce (R), Heather Wilson (R) and Tom Udall (D).

Get the Story:
Isleta Gets Funds to Restore Forest (The Albuquerque Journal 11/15)

Get the Bill:
S.3648 | H.R.5842

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