EPA MURAL: "Dangers of the Mail" considered offensive by Indian employees. Additional Photos |
A series of murals that depict Native people as murderers and rapists will be the subject of a
General Services Administration forum on Monday, October 30.
The murals are displayed at the Environmental Protection Agency headquarters in Washington, D.C. They have been the subject of controversy, particularly among Native employees who consider them offensive.
The GSA is reviewing the murals to determine whether their display is appropriate. The panel discussion is part of the process.
But the Society of American Indian Government Employees says the forum doesn't include any speakers from a civil rights of equal opportunity employment point of view. Most of the panel participants appear to be academics.
The forum takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Ronald Reagan Building/ International Trade Center at 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. For more information, contact Gary Porter at the GSA at (202) 205-7766 or gary.porter@gsa.gov.
Relevant LInks:
Society of American Indian Government Employees -
http://www.saige.org/epamuralAriel Rios murals, General
Services Administration -
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