Keith Brown, a member of the Catawba Nation of South Carolina, shared his tribe's pottery tradition with students at Olde Pointe Elementary. Brown, 55, told the third-graders that the tribe has lost many of its people and its language. "But the thing that has survived for centuries is our pottery tradition," he said, The Rock Hill Herald reports. The students responded enthusiastically to Brown, a South Carolina artist-in-residence, and his pottery. They made their own objects out of Catawba clay mixed with modeling clay. "I learned about Indians and how they make different things out of clay," Zh'Meyah, age 9, said. "My momma won't believe I met a real Indian." Get the Story:
Students take to clay the Catawba Indian way (The Rock Hill Herald 10/4) Relevant Links:
Catawba Cultural Preservation Project - http://www.ccppcrafts.com