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Homeland security bill frees FEMA trailers for tribes

The homeland security bill passed by Congress on Friday includes a provision that frees unused Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers for tribes.

FEMA was sitting on nearly 10,000 trailers meant for victims of recent hurricanes. But when asked by Sen. Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota), the agency said the law prohibited them from being sent to reservations.

The homeland security bill changes the law and directs FEMA to work with the Interior Department to transfer the homes. "The need down here is extreme, and we could sure use some of those homes, especially with winter coming our way," Ken Haukaas of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe told The Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

Get the Story:
Indians might get emergency housing (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 9/30)
FEMA Trailers Freed Up for Other Uses (AP 10/1)

Relevant Links:
Federal Emergency Management Agency -

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